

Terry P.: Patient of the Month

Terry P.: Patient of the Month
Terry Persina is a force of nature. Diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 3 years ago, Terry believes to stay independent, you must be responsible and regimented. ALS is a progressive neuromuscular disease that often slowly robs the body of its ability to use its upper extremities, walk, speak, swallow, and breathe. An average of 1 to 2 per 100,000 people are diagnosed with ALS every year throughout the world.  "Having been diagnosed with ALS has given me clarity in my life. T...
Posted on 2020-11-22

The Daily Check-In (Doorway Exercises) with Barbara Carbone, MA, PT

The Daily Check-In (Doorway Exercises) with Barbara Carbone, MA, PT
We hope you and your family are safe and healthy. As much as we are all trying to keep active, given that we are needing to limit outside activities, we are most likely sitting for longer than our normal routine. To help ensure we all stay healthy, Sutton Place Physical and Aquatic Therapy's Barbara Carbone, MA, PT shows you how to keep your back and core healthy. In today's The Daily Check-In, Barbara shows you some of her favorite Doorway Exercises. Click here for The Daily Check-In and l...
Posted on 2020-03-25

Patient of the Month: Adrienne

Patient of the Month: Adrienne
PATIENT OF THE  MONTH: ADRIENNE Adrienne has been a patient of ours since February. She is a fun, kind, and active person. When we first met, Adrienne literally hobbled into our doors. She had just hurt herself while skiing with her family in Vermont.  She turned around to look at her family coming down the mountain, lost her balance, and tore her ACL. After seeing her doctor at the Hospital for Special Surgery with her leg in an immobilizer, she was scared and decided surgery was no...
Posted on 2019-05-13

Tips for Avoiding Winter Slips, Trips and Falls

Tips for Avoiding Winter Slips, Trips and Falls
Image by Tips for Avoiding Winter Slips, Trips and Falls by Carol Stillman, PT Wintry weather leads to slips and falls and an increase in emergency room visits.  With one snowstorm behind us and another storm on the way, these fall prevention tips would come in handy and help you to stay upright.    Don’t dress to impress! Dress for Traction!  Wear shoes for the weather. Choose shoes, boots or sneakers that have soles with treads with deep grooves...
Posted on 2019-03-02

Our Ancestors May Have Held the Secret to Better Brain Health

Our Ancestors May Have Held the Secret to Better Brain Health
It turns out that while our early ancestors spent their days out in the wilderness hunting and foraging for food, they may also have been keeping their brains sharp. Researchers at the University of Arizona have found a connection between the highly active lifestyle that was prevalent in those ancient days and the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related diseases. Some two million years ago, our ancestors covered long dist...
Posted on 2018-06-04
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